Saturday, March 20, 2010

New lifestyle....

Time passed too fast… No matter what method I tried to make it slow down, it just won’t wait for me….

Stepping into working life already one month, but I still can’t make myself comfortable with this new kind of lifestyle. Everyday wake up around 7am and go out around 8am, taking one hour to go to office; 6pm knock off from work and yet always OT then 7.30pm only reach home. Each single day except Saturday and Sunday repeats the same things. Furthermore, the fast-space and stress work environment in here really make me TAK BOLEH TAHAN.

I really didn’t expect that the working life would be so stressful and hard to make people feel in love with it. Before this I thought the stress that suffered while doing thesis is the most worst stress, now I only realized that it just a small case. In fact, i quite reluctant to go to work and really can’t smile from the deep of my heart. Somemore, this place can be considered a new place to me. No true heart friends can hear my mumbling, console me, laugh and cry together with me. Sometimes, I questioned myself that: is my decision to work at this place correct? BUT what can I do? In order to survive in this world, I must have a job otherwise where I get money to spend.

Just finished seeing some pictures in FB, this make me thinking of all those sweet and memorable study life. Although I quite hate of exams period, it is better than the bored working life now. Last time, we got a lot of time to yam cha, shopping, playing or watching drama and movie. But now, each day I only left 4 to 5 hours to rest only and the remaining hours to sleep. Even if I want to hang out, also nobody can hang out together with me. Really think of running away from all these….

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